Saturday, October 15, 2011

Never a dull moment

Dear Gma,

My gosh what a day! What a weekend! What a month! Been awhile since i have caught you up on life at the Montana Wolfeden, so guess i better get started. I already have forgotten most of what has happened this month. I think the last time i wrote you the chickens were laying eggs and we didn't know if Baby James' eyes would be blue or brown. Well, the eyes get browner every day, but the chickens have revolted and have quit laying. We think the cold weather has contributed to this, so a new coup has been planned and will be implemented soon.

Yesterday Jacob turned eleven. He has never had anything but a family birthday party, so this year we decided to give it a shot. Not sure how many kids came, but nine were invited and one did not come, but a couple brought siblings and some parents stayed. The weather has been cold and foggy for days, but not today. Kenzie must have prayed for the weather because it was cool, crisp and sunny. A drop dead gorgeous Fall day. But, the birthday was actually yesterday and it started at five AM when Chris and kenzie went to pick up sister jaylene on Amtrak.

Jaylene, (17 year old), now lives in Spokane, so lives just a few hours away. Did i tell you she passed her GED? Absolutely amazing, and i am so proud of her. She is now working as a nanny so has her room and board and gets a small salary besides. She snuck in and slept in the guest bed, and we did not tell the other four kids she was here. At noon, she took jacob's birthday cupcakes to lunch and all the kids saw her and went crazy! They all love her so very much. We all do.

After school we took Jake to get his birthday :) Man, his feet are growing so fast, and he is having trouble with his voice. Think his voice could be getting ready to change already at eleven? He is so dang cute. Such a joy too. Always has been.

So, the house became very loud with jaylene here. Funny how one more kid can do that, but maybe it is just her and the tickling that accompanies her. haha
This morning we began the day about 7:30 with a cup of coffee and the frying of the hamburger for the bean soup that needed to be ready by one. Then off we went to the 9AM soccer game.

We so enjoy watching jacob play soccer. I don't know if it has been the wonderful weather, the no bugs or the beautiful mountains in the background,but soccer season just made this Fall even more enjoyable. Or maybe watching jake dominate any team he plays just makes us bust our buttons, while we all try to stay humble, and keep jake humble.

Today was no different. The refs never showed up so Chris reffed and the game seemed quieter :) The other team did not have enough players, so we gave them a few, and at one time jake even got a goal for them when his coach switched him to the other team ! I lost track of his goals, and i thought it pretty awesome when the coach did this. Jacob knew all the kids on the other team, goes to school with most of them, so he was right at home with them. It was like four to nothing at that point and so his scoring even one goal made all things seem possible. They did play well, but just could not keep the ball away from him. Finally the coach put him in at goalie, which he loves to play, but we all hate it because we love watching him pass the ball and steal it and burst out of a bunch of a kids with his foot kicking the ball. I will miss watching him. All three kids played wonderful soccer this summer. I do miss Hannah sitting on the field and picking posies though. Now she is as aggressive as her brothers and she made the only goals for her team this year, but at this point in her life a soccer ball does not call her name as much as ballet slippers, so her girly candle still safely shines, but some days i wonder for how long.

So, we get home from that and kick it into gear for the company coming at one., cleaning up a bit, and setting up the different play stations outside. And before we knew it the cars began to come.

Jim and Chris started a fire in the pit down below, so if ppl got chilly they could gather around the fire, but the boys ran for three hours; most were sweating. The parents and we grandparents enjoyed it though.:) In the front yard though, the boys started off with roping the bull head!

Jake got a fake bull head for his birthday and it was mounted on some hay bales sitting on the back of the 4-wheeler. One of the moms seems to know all about roping, and had several ropes, and they gave jake several for his birthday! Anyhow, she gave the kids, who needed it, roping lessons. That was about all of them i would say. The winner of the roping contest, and most of the other contests got large candy bars for prizes. They loved the challenge and the reward!

So, after the roping they moved down the hill to the bebee gun can-shooting station. Boys/guns... they loved it! And the cans were set up in front of a hill...just a perfect situation. A neighbor had loaned us a couple of bebee guns and he, and his wife, and his grandkids ( one in jakes class at school and one in Kenzie's class and one in Caleb or Hannah's class... all were here.) They live just down the road from us, and it was so nice to finally meet John and Sherry. Anyhow, John helped the kids with their shooting prowess, but muy Gkids needed no help. I am amazed at the manliness of my grandsons. Caleb is only 8 and he held his own with all the eleven year olds!! And not with just guns, but also with the bow and arrow contest which they moved onto next! The kids just loved all of it and can you blame them! Two of the kids asked if they could move in with us!! It was boy heaven down there this afternoon, but it was not over. After a winner was established for the bow and arrow contest, we all moved up to the deck where Chris had hot dogs all cooked on the grill. We brought out the salad, soup, chips, and cake and ice cream and pigged out....which brings me to last but not least....the greased pig contest!!!

Janell had told the mothers to dress their kids in grubbies or send some clothes to change into. Some of the parents really wanted to enter into this fun too, but that did not happen.

I probably have not told any of you that we have added two wiener pigs to the mix here. Oh yes. Rosie and Bacon! which one do you think will be sacrificed for meat and which will be having babies and be a 4-H project for jake? lol Anyhow, Wilbur will not survive this pig yard. :(

Kenzie and a friend greased Bacon and put him into the cage that he and his friend Rosie had fit easily into when they came about two weeks ago. I took a picture of him sitting in the small dog pen and he barely fits alone: no way could he and Rosie both fit in there now ! We drug out all of the Extra Tuff boots, and Kenzie's friend, Ally, dawned the old Coast Guard overalls and into the horse round pen everybody went. Chris let Bacon out and about twelve kids descended on him and did he ever run. They grabbed, he escaped. He seemed to enjoy it to tell the truth. The girls turned out to be the winners! The kids enjoyed it so much they let the pig go again and the race was on again. At one point, he squirted out of about six kids who had all piled on top of each other. Pig pile anyone :) I did video tape it and if i can will put it on here. If i cannot and you want to see it, let me know and i will try to attach it, but i am a bit tech-challenged One mom left her flip video camera though and kenzie was supposed to videotape it on that, but how could she when she could not resist and joined in the fun.

What a birthday!!!!! Chris said that Jake could do this same party through high school, and beyond. Apparently boys just grow into men in body only. No big shocker there. :) What a day!

And, the baby slept through it all. Jaylene and i played baby tag with Baby James and he slept in his little bassinet all three hours! During the pig chase janell put him in his baby wrap, so he was there with her...still slept through it all. The only time he has trouble sleeping is when it is too quiet. Such a good baby.

Will try to write more often. Part of the problem in not chattering on here with you is i have begun to write my book. Want me to put it on here? Not sure there is really interest in my past life, which i am basically writing for my family, and then mostly for future family. When they talk about me and wonder how i ever survived the death of my child, when children pretty much define me, i want them to know it was not easy, and it is only by the Grace of God that i did survive such a challenge. Seems like going forward would be a whole lot more interesting than my life before, and certainly not as heavy on the heart to read. So, if you want me to, let me know. If there is enough interest out of the six of you who read this drivel i will. Otherwise, i will just keep on here about kids and animals.

Well, lets try some pics. Nope...will put them on Fb i guess. The pig video turned out great if it will transfer for me.

You know i love you
*j* aka jackie ann


  1. Ha ha...just six of us, huh? Always love(d) reading your Dear Gramma letters and now thoroughly enjoy reading your blog! I'm glad that I shared with you where to begin! :-)

    The birthday party sounds like it was sooo much fun! I would have loved to have seen it in person!

    Thanks for sharing! One of your "fans"! LOL

  2. I'll bet there is alot more than six of us out her Jacque. I have always enjoyed your writings and love hearing what everyone is up to, I say post away about your past life and what a fantastic gift to give today's generation and tomorrow's.


  3. I for one, thoroughly enjoy your writings. When you publish this book, please put me down for one.
    The birthday party sounds delightful. What memories are being made!!
    Look forward to more words from you.
    Love to you and Jim.
