Monday, August 29, 2011

All things Beautiful

We decided to let the chickens out to peck around.  They are so happy and just clucking away.  One is missing because she will not get off the nest, though there is no hope for a reward from her endeavors. They just look like beautiful little happy spots out on the lawn and the pasture.  We have cooler weather coming, and i hope they will get back to giving us a dozen eggs a day.  I think the heat was not to their liking.  We like happy chickens, happy kids,  and generally anything sappy and homespun.

Today is the first day of soccer practice for Hannah and Jake.  I think dad may have been the most
excited though Hannah woke up at six thinking she late for practice, but mom explained it was P.M, not A.M.  So, she came upstairs and got out her practice school books or read her Dictionary until i got up to make coffee.  She informed me it was cold up here so i got her an aphgan and told her i did not get a lot of sleep last night so was going back to bed for awhile.  Then jim got up and she confessed to be hungry and wondered if she could have some cereal.  Now we have been saving the cereal for when the baby comes, but he told her if she promised to eat every bit of it he would get her some.  She promised and she followed through.  I could hear them chatting about life in general while i waited for coffee.  She informed me today that she may have a bad mother.  I asked her why she would say such a thing.  " Well, sometimes i ask her for something and she says no.  Then later she will say yes.  Why would she not know the first time?"  So, i told her maybe she should consider maybe her mother had a reason for her decision,  or maybe she was on the phone, or maybe it would not be good for her at that time but might be ok later.  I told her i thought she had a treasure of a mother and she just needed to trust whatever she said at the time as the right thing,  She thought about it and i can only hope i set her straight. lol  These children have no idea how blessed they are by their mother.  She is heavy laden with child right now but she is off at soccer practice,  and glad to be there especially since Chris is there too.

This was his first day at his new school, btw.  I hope it went well,  So much new and such a different emphasis for him with no high school.  I know he is where he is supposed to be so i can only conclude he will make things better for a school that puts God's will for His children first,  Lots of volunteers at the school and i expect i will be one of them eventually. 

Jim had a Drs appointment today, and he has lost a couple more pounds.  The Dr asked him how come he was losing weight and he told her because our lifestyle has so dramatically changed from Alaska.  She asked why of course.  He told her he would be surprised if we have watched four hours of TV since we arrived here.  We are on the move most of the time, either inside or out.  The projects just keep on coming and we just hope to have some for sure completed by November.

The heat situation in the basement is non-existent so that is a priority. Tomorrow they will be calling about a heat pump system that everybody we know has in their homes here.  We could get lots of rebates but we have no wall heaters, shoot we have no heat downstairs, seems like that would qualify us for something!!!!  Anyhow the good news with the heat pump is that air conditioning up here might be a blessing altho i am really not complaining about the heat to tell the truth, but it might be good to keep the windows shut when it is so dusty...oh, that reminds me.... it rained last night!!!!!  It has not rained since we arrived here in June and it is mighty dry.  I got woke up by the loudest crash of thunder i have ever heard and there were several more before i heard the rain drops.  Jim slept through because he hears nothing when laying on his right ear, but i woke him up so we could go out and shut the truck windows.  The air felt SO wonderful.  However, it only rained for about fifteen minutes, but today it feels so much cleaner everywhere.  We have grateful hearts for that fifteen minutes.

Anyhow, the deck is clean now and if it does not rain tonight again i think i will attack the staining of the deck.  Today it was still damp and besides i had peaches to can, which i did all day, but they are done for now and tomorrow i think will be the deck, ready or not.  Jim is working on a way to irrigate the garden with a timer at night.  We have such a water shortage here... i think it is a lousy pump,.. that we cannot water the garden and keep water in the house.  Anyhow, he bought a timer and we will see how that goes.  I don't think that pump will go longer than half an hour though unless he uses just soaker hoses.  The garden is doing well.  About twenty five turkeys were giving it the evil eye from outside the fence today, but we sicked the dogs on them and they reluctantly departed. 

So many things to do.... wood to get in... the shed to finish so we can empty out that Mancave... and the hot tub room has to be completely rebuilt into something else which means the hot tub goes outside.  Just not sure how we will get it out.  I think that very wierd room was built around it.  And then, no small project.... a baby to birth :)  We are hoping for Sept 1st.  He was due the 26th on Kenzie's birthday but he left that date to her alone. 

So another day in Montana and lots got accomplished.  Joshua called me GrandMom today.  His diction has suddenly become perfectly understandable.  He still says drinka in a way that is a bit hard, but think about how we say that..."do you want a drink a water?"  For a long time he put "a" on the ends of all his words.  He talked in sentences from the beginning so it was pretty tricky figuring him out.  I told him today i really liked his words and he just grinned as bright as can be.  I suggested maybe he might want to use the toilet instead of a diaper but he said, " no".  So i guess that is that for now.  Thinkin we will have two in diapers.  He sees the stuff for the baby and he gets all sweet and oohs and aahs...Now how can he know about babies really?  But, he does and he will be a good big brother i betcha.

So all things are beautiful with my chicks running around and no eagle or hawk has run off with any of them so i think i better get some feed and see if i can coax them back into their rolling chicken house.  Chris built it and it is called a chicken tractor.  You can look them up on line.  Pretty inventive.

OMG.... i think it is thundering again!!!!! Yahoooooooooo!  I told you all things are beautiful
*j* aka jacqueline

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